Finishing elements as a component of the classification system technologies of fur finishing

  • Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia
    Ph.D., Associate Proffessor of the Department of Design and Technology


The appearance over the last decade of a wide variety of new types and technologies of fur trim in clothing, and especially fur finishing elements, has necessitated the systematization of this diversity to unite them in one multilateral knowledge about the object. The aim of the study is to systematize the finishing elements in the general classification of the fur finishing technologies. The research tasks are formulated. A conceptual approach to the classification of fur finishing technologies was developed. The basis of theoretical research was a systematic approach. The expediency of constructing a classification based on the method of subordination of concepts and distribution of technologies on blocks is proved, depending on their common features. Methods for constructing classifications (deductive and inductive methods), structural-functional method, descriptive method are used. The procedure for developing a general classification of fur finishing technologies has been developed, which makes it possible to carry out their justified identification. A general classification of fur finishing technologies has been developed according to several classification criteria. The criterion of the first level is the object of fur design. The criterion of the second level is the designer’s goal. Criteria for other levels – depending on the general signs of fur finishing technologies. The variety of fur finishing elements can be classified according to the type of fur material for their manufacture. The material for their manufacture is a whole skin of a fur flap and parts of skins. Existing fur finishing technologies are well identified by the developed general classification. Systematization of finishing elements in it allows to easily determine the location of each of the known elements in accordance with the described technology of its manufacture. The realization of this goal has not only a theoretical but also a purely practical significance. It allows you to rationalize, “consolidate” the accumulated knowledge and thereby lead to savings in working with them. The systematization of finishing elements in the general classification of fur finishing technologies makes it possible to realize the concept of individualized demand in various branches of light industry.

Keywords: clothing, natural fur, the fur finishing, finishing elements, technologies of finishing clothes, classification.